Remain in Secret is a project that interacts with Earth-Prime of Spectrals Megaverse. You can join my Discord server to interact with others who follow along. This project is updated daily, every other day, or once a week. I do not hide things in the code on any of my websites.
This project might contain content that is disturbing for some viewers. This content is specific to Earth-Prime.
This is the best I could do with the time I had. Im sorry if this wont work in the long term, but I think this space should be fine for us now.
We will have to work with this for now and we can change things as time goes on. I need you to update me on everything.
I was catching up on all the files. Everything about the Pixel Arcade: you were right. It was a case of paranormal, or maybe supernatural, activity. I went back to see if I could find anything, but that event was so long ago.
Forget about the arcade. Make sure to add its file to the rest. I need you to update me on the Marked Ones.
I still have files for Casey Wayne, Mark Andrews, Tony Smith, Luna Dark, and someone who goes by Copper. We dont have an office. Where do you want me to keep the files? How are we going to share this information with the others?
Good. I need you to hold on to them while I figure out where we can keep everything. We are going to need code names. I know you’re probably worried about people seeing this, but we can move everything once we finish up here. We are alone again, so try not to forget that. The only thing we have is each other.
I am going to log off for the night and update you when I can. I put the files in a safe location.
Sorry about the late report. I was going over the files again. My room is getting crowded so is there any word on when I can remove the files from my house?
No word yet. Did you find the girl yet?
Yeah, I found her. She goes to my school, remember? Do you think that she will help us?
You have to convince her. Tell her that you know about her dream journal. Tell her you want to see it.
Okay. Do you want me to tell her about this place?
Pm fvb hyl ylhkpun aopz kv uva alss oly fvb jhu zll tf alea. Zavw aybzapun oly. Kv uva npcl oly tvyl pumvythapvu
I am trying to keep up with schoolwork and everything else going on in my life. I know you keep trying to tell me how important this is, but I struggle to juggle everything. I also need to know what to do with the files. I really did not mean to be late.
Kvlz zol ruvd dolyl fvb nv av zjovvs? Kvlz zol ruvd fvby hnl?
I do not want to hear your excuses. Our work is extremely important. It has been a few days and I was worried that someone found out about our project. I know school is important but it will not matter if you die. Did you get the sketchbook? Is the girl willing to join our team?
Zol pz nvpun av nla fvb rpsslk. Fvb ohcl av zavw spzalupun av oly. Jba vmm hss vm aol jvttbupjhapvuz huk dhsr hdhf.
Yeah I did get the book but I am not sure how to show you some of the pictures. I know that you keep saying my life is in danger but honestly nothing bad has happened. The photos are weird. I took a picture of a few of them. I will figure out how to share just please chill out.
Sorry. Things are getting tense where I am. Can you forgive my attitude?
Sorry that took a minute. I am still getting the hang of this. Yeah, I can forgive your attitude.
That is amazing. Did she tell you anything about it?
She told me that she has a dream about this object every week but only once a week. She says it looks like a portal but I think it looks like a weird moon. Is it important?
Yes it is important. Does she have more pictures? Will she join us in here?
Slow down. Why is it important? And no, she said that she does not want to speak to you. She did not understand what was going on and I had no idea what to tell her.
Okay. I need you to tell her that the sketchbook needs to be preserved digitally. Tell her to draw them again in a drawing app or something. There is something else I need you to do for me too. There are other people like you I need you to find.
I will not do anything else for you until you explain what the hell is going on. Why are you dancing around my question?
Like I told you when I reached out. You are a special person, you can see things other people will never be able to see or process. I worked with your uncle on Project Merge. He told me to reach out to you if anything happened to him. You can call me Red for now. We should not use real names here. I will tell you more after you find these people for me. Each one is in your area. You are living in a hot zone. I am going to send you money too. Buy the girl something digital to draw with and make sure to get something for yourself too. The extra money is payment for putting up with my antics.
Spzalu av tl. Wslhzl pm fvb jhu ylhk aopz kv uva aybza doha aopz wlyzvu pz zhfpun. P ruvd fvb tpzz fvby mhtpsf huk P ruvd aopz obyaz. Lclyfvul dov dvyrlk vu vy hyvbuk Wyvqlja Tlynl pz klhk. Aopz wlyzvu pz uva alsspun fvb aol aybao.
I know you got the money. Please get online we need to talk. This is extremely important and I will not accept no for an answer. Listen, I need you to take a look at the message I will post at the bottom of this paragraph and ensure you can read it. Everyone like you can. I need to make sure this was not for nothing. Answer me.
Forget it. Have you seen these flyers going around?